Located in Carpignano Sesia (Vercelli), certainly this is the factory that has produced more jugs in Italy. The production started in 1961 and stopped at the beginning of 2003. They have fabricated pieces for the most important national and international distillers and for long period this industry was the leader of the Italian market.
The marks and relevant years are:

 1961 to 1970

 1970 to 1982

 1982 to 1985

 1985 to 2003
I have also a small catalogue
of this factory, printed in 1979
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A little Italian factory of ceramics that operated from 1978 to 1996, famous among the collectors for the quality of its products. They were the first to launch
on the market the "King - Size" jugs, very sought in America, where these kind of jugs has several passionate collectors.
The marks they used are:

 1978 to 1985

 1985 to 1996
Deruta, a little country near Perugia well-known for its artistic ceramics, has manufactured whisky jugs, although in limited quantity, but through the only known mark it is not possible to determine the year of production. Here further information: ARCHIVIO CERAMICA

We have few information about this manufacturer, unless it was located at Cunardo (Varese).
They produced valuable jugs in the period going from the beginning of '70s to the beginning of '80s. This is the only known mark:

 1970 to 1980 approx.
Among the several ceramic producers of San Marino, SAM is the only to manufacture also pub-jugs for the big distillers. It is not possible to establish exactly the years of production, but it seems that the oldest mark is relevant to the '70s, and the newest to the '80s.
These are the marks:


A little factory, born in the first half of the previous century near Parma, with a distinguishing trait of a craft and artistic production.

Ceramiche Tripepi surely is the only Italian factory still producing advertising whisky jugs. Founded in 1984 by Attilio Tripepi, it is presently managed by his son Andrea and daughter Stefania. In the years they have produced very high quality ceramics that are seeked by many collectioners in the world.

We have very few information of this Italian factory, located in Lodi and no more existing. It produced ceramics also with the mark POF.


The Marmaca Porcelain, that operated from 1947 to 1964, is surely the most prestigious factory located in San Marino for the manifacture of porcelain and ceramics. At the beginnin it was an handicraft factory then it turned into a industrial company. Marmaca produced a lot of items for the liquor advertising and collaborated with prestigious liquirists in Europe and worldwide, also producing some whisky-jugs and ashtrays, exquisitely crafted, highly sought by the collectors.

 1947 to 1964
Unfortunately, only few information of this factory is disposable. Born in 1969 at Laveno Mombello (Varese), it produced for some years particularly hand painted gift articles, items for smokers (for the export market) and bathroom accessories (internal market). The year of closure is unknown.

 1969 to ?
The information collected only allows to say that this factory, closed in years '80, produced very few whisky jugs.
